Collection: Ms. Dzintra's handicrafts

There are some meetings after which you get a particularly elated feeling - such was the meeting with Ms. Dzintra in Riga. A few years ago Ms. Dzintra survived cancer, recently Covid in a very severe form, several fractures and in addition to all that, heart failure, but...If only each of us had such bright energy and kindness as Dzintra! "I can't live without a yarn ball and I really like to create large pieces of work!" says Ms. Dzintra. Her words are backed up by the wide range of knitted and crocheted masterpieces - from socks and mittens to scarves, chair covers and blankets.
Many years have been spent working on a loom, many years working in the Kurzeme district board. Ms. Dzintra has been present at the founding of important parties and organized the renovation of an apartment building. She's an amazing lady who has led a very active life and currently continues to do as much as her strength and health allow!